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Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes

The Staff Senate is one of the ways all staff (university and classified) and non-student wage employees can participate in shared governance at Virginia Tech. The Senate is made up of elected representatives from each college and administrative area of the university.

The Senate normally meets on the third Thursday of each month. All staff and non-student wage employees are welcome to attend any meeting.

2024-2025 Staff Senate Meeting Dates


Commission on Staff Policies and Affairs

The Commission on Staff Policies and Affairs is charged to study, formulate, and recommend to University Council policies and procedures affecting the working conditions of classified and university staff and to promote staff participation in the University community. Areas for consideration include: staff morale; evaluation, communication with supervisors, recognition, and career development; staff relations with administrators, faculty, and students; benefits and personal leave; extra-university professional activity; matters of equity and diversity that affect the University's professional environment; and other matters affecting the staff environment.